
Proofpoint’s Secure Microsoft 365

solution is a crucial component of cloud security, providing comprehensive protection and enhanced visibility across Microsoft 365 environments. It follows a Security-Driven Networking approach, which helps businesses manage security risks while ensuring uninterrupted operations.

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As part of the Proofpoint Security Fabric, this solution offers a range of benefits. It not only prevents threats but also reduces cost and complexity by optimizing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and enforcing defense in depth through meticulous segmentation and trusted application access. Additionally, it streamlines enterprise-wide workflows, providing a single management interface for overseeing security measures in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, which improves operational efficiency.In essence, organizations leveraging Proofpoint Email Security experience a fortified email defense that combines advanced threat protection with operational ease.

Proofpoint’s Secure Microsoft 365 solution is an essential tool for enhancing the security posture of organizations. It provides robust protection against evolving cyber threats while fostering operational resilience.

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